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Raymond Zhang的博客
姓名:Raymond Zhang
擅长国家:澳大利亚 英国 新西兰 新加坡 中国香港
个人介绍:琥珀教育集团广州分公司运营三部教育顾问,本科就读于马来西亚英迪国际大学,管理学专业。英国大使馆文化教育处官方 “英国留学咨询师资格”持有者自毕业以后深耕教育行业,拥有4年以上全球留学的申请经验。对于东南亚的院校申请有较多心得,由于常年在马来西亚生活与学习,能够为学生提供当地生活文化的指导和更好地融入当地留学生活~以专业的态度服务学生,以全面的知识指导学生,以丰富的经验为每一位学生提供个性化的升学方案。


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  • 2024英国院校硕士以及预科课程申请费汇总(二)(2023-10-21 16:09)

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    华威大学的授课型硕士课程(包括Master of Research (MRes) courses)需要75英镑申请费,Full-time MBA课程的申请费为80英镑

    International Foundation Programme需要55英镑的申请费。



    Corporate Governance & Accountability [MSc]

    Development Studies [MSc]

    Economic Development (with Finance & Policy Pathways) [MSc]

    Economics, International Banking & Finance [MSc]

    Environment & Sustainable Development [MSc]

    Finance & Management [MSc]

    Financial Economics [MSc]

    Financial Modelling & Investment [MSc]

    Financial Risk Management [MSc]

    Financial Technology [MSc]

    International Accounting & Financial Management [MAcc]

    International Corporate Finance & Banking [MSc]

    International Finance [MFin]

    International Financial Analysis [MSc]

    Investment Banking & Finance [MSc]

    Management [MSc]

    Management with Enterprise & Business Growth [MSc]

    Management with Human Resources [MSc]

    Quantitative Finance [MSc]




    MSc Accounting

    MSc Business Analytics

    MSc Economics

    MSc Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

    MSc Experimental Economics

    MSc Public EconomicsMSc Finance

    MSc Finance (Accounting and Finance)

    MSc Finance (Economics and Finance)

    MSc Finance (Finance and Investment)

    MSc Finance (Financial Technology and Banking)

     MSc Management

    MSc Management (Entrepreneurship)

     MSc Management (Finance)

    MSc Human Resource Management

    MSc Management (International Business)

    MSc Management (Supply Chain Logistics)

    MSc Marketing



    MSc Data Analytics for Government(Part-time)

    MSc Demography

    MSc Social Research Methods and Applied Statistics

    MSc Applied Statistics



    Business School (full time MSc)

    MSc Investments

    MSc Financial Technology

    MSc Financial Management

    MSc Accounting and Finance - ACCA Pathway 1

    MSc Business Analytics

    MSc International Business

    MSc EconomicsMSc Money, Banking and Finance

    MSc International Money and Banking

    MSc Financial Economics

    MSc Human Resource Management

    MSc Management

    MSc Supply Chain Management

    MSc Sustainability Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    MSc Marketing

    MSc Strategic Marketing and Consulting

    School of Engineering(full time MSc)

    MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Generalist pathway)

    MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Construction Management pathway)

    MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Systems Management pathway)

    MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Operations Management pathway)

    MSc Advanced Engineering Management (Project Management pathway)

    MSc Railway Systems Engineering and Integration (55 weeks)

    MSc Railway Systems Engineering and Integration (52 weeks)

    MSc Railway Safety and Control Systems with Integrated Presessional

    MSc Railway Safety and Control Systems

    MSc Electrical Power Systems with Advanced Research (Two Years)

    MSc Electrical Power Systems

    MSc Communications Engineering

    School of Computer Science (full time MSc)

    MSc Computer Science

    MSc Advanced Computer Science

    MSc Data Science

    MSc Artificial Intelligence and Machine

    Law School (full time LLM)

    LLM:   General

    LLM:   Commercial Law

    LLM:   International Commercial Law

    LLM:   Criminal Law and Criminal Justice

    LLM:   International Human Rights

    LLM:   Human Rights

    LLM:   Global Energy and Environmental Law

    LLM:   Intellectual Property Law

    LLM:   Law, Data and Technology

    LLM:   International Disputes

    LLM:   Commercial, Banking and Finance

    LLM:   International Law and Security

    LLM:   Environmental, Social and Governance Law and Policy

    LLM:   Law and Social Justice

    LLM:   International Business Law

    LLM:   International Criminal Law and Justice 

    Institute of Local Government Studies (full time MSc)

    MSc Public Management

    Institute of Applied Health Sciences (full time MPH)

    MPH:   Master of Public Health 

    International   Development (full time MPA)

    Master of Public Administration (Finance)

    Master of Public Administration (Human Resources)

    MPA: Public Administration

    Political Science and International Studies (full time MA)

    MA International Political Economy

    MA International Relations




    诺丁汉大学的授课型硕士课程除MA Social Work外需要50英镑的申请费

    (439)次阅读   |  (1)个评论


    2012-10-14 09:35:27 景枫
    很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福?
    2012-10-14 09:35:27 景枫
    很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福? 很幸福?